Monday, October 27, 2008

Swim lessons

Tytan finished his first session of swim lessons last week. He loved the water! He was very brave in the water and when it was his turn to swim one on one with the teacher, he listened well and can now put his "turtle up" (hands up above his head to dive), stroke forward and backwards and float on his back. During class the teacher would take one child out into the water to work on a skill while the others were expected to stand on the dock and hold onto the metal bars. Just to the side of the pool a lifeguard sat and reminded the kids to hold the bars. Tytan got time outs on the side of the pool every lesson for not keeping his hands on the bars. He was having too much fun splashing the other kids, scaling the bars like Spiderman and dunking himself. Once he even dunked himself too long, swallowed water and puked big time in the water. They had to evacuate the pool and clean it before it was open again. Yuck!

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