Monday, October 27, 2008

Our new house

Our big backyard where 8-10 deer hang out and eat our apples every morning and night.
The purple kitchen, and yes this is all I will show off because the sink was full of dirty dishes and the cabinets, countertops and floor are on our list of things to do!

The living room.
I love the number plate. It is so cute!
Babies' room

Tytan's orange room

It has taken me so long to post pictures of our new house, but we have been busy painting and slowly decorating. Here are a few... The babies' room is blue with construction trucks and Tytan's room is orange with big cats. The living room is a sage green, the kitchen is purple and our bedroom is halfway painted tan. It is nice having a bigger house, but managing three kids and trying to do any home improvements has proven to be challenging!

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