Monday, March 9, 2009

Walking and Climbing

Madox standing in Tytan's boots.

Jaxon climbed up in our sensory table filled with rats, spiders and blocks.

On February 27, Madox finally decided to walk! He had been practicing pushing his shopping cart around the house for a few months now and scooting with one leg folded. (very strange looking and had Grandma Hahn nervous about his curving spine) He seems to be enjoying walking around and is getting braver and taking more steps each day. Sometimes his body gets going faster than his feet and he heads towards the couch for a quick crash landing.

On February 28, Jaxon decided to join his brother in walking! He is a bit more timid and clumsy, but with all the praise Madox was getting he decided to try it out too. He is a bigger boy and I think his arms are stronger than his legs. Jaxon has recently climbed up every piece of furniture we own. He gets up on the ottoman, on his knees, with both arms up in the air and bounces with joy! He also loves getting up on the couch, over to the coffee table and pulling the blinds off the windows. Just yesterday in the kitchen he got up on the step stool, then up to the chair, up to the table and bounced on the top! We are in trouble! Luckily he hasn't gone up the bookshelves yet!


Hahn Family said...


Melanie said...

The boys are so cute! How exciting and scary that they are walking. I know we will have that problem around here soon, too. Hope it starts getting warmer so you guys and get out and play!!

Seth & Courtney said...

Way to go boys! I love it when they start to walk. Jack is a climber too and I remember when he was little thinking that one day I would walk around the corner and find him swinging from the chandelier because he loved to climb on the table and touch it. But he mellowed out a lot when he found his legs and discovered the joy of running and jumping. Hopefully you'll have warmer days filled with playground fun coming your way soon!